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What Is This Interesting Little Blog?

Welcome readers to The Devil Reads Drama, a website where I will be writing book reviews, recommending authors, and talking about all things reading. This blog is meant to attract current readers, new readers, and non-readers who might be inspired to pick up an interesting book.

The Devil Reads Drama Logo

If you haven’t picked up on the reference, The Devil Reads Drama is a spin on a movie titled The Devil Wears Prada. The title came to me after many, many failed attempts on trying to find a title that referenced my favorite movies. Some contesters were What a Bookworm Wants (What a Girl Wants) and How to Love a Book in 10 Days (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). Clearly, the one I went with was my best option.

The next few posts will be book recommendations (mostly romance) - including books I read this summer and authors I enjoy reading. As the seasons change, so do my tastes in genres. Romance, fantasy, historical fiction, young adult, mystery, thriller - all are genres that I enjoy reading. Sometimes I even dive back into my childhood favorites. I hope to provide a wide range of recommendations and reviews as this blog continues.

I expect this blog to be a fun way to bond with other readers and I’m excited to get started!


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